[jbossdeveloper] <repository /> on quickstarts pom.xml

Marek Novotny mnovotny at redhat.com
Fri Oct 31 09:13:21 EDT 2014

On 31.10.2014 13:58, Rafael Benevides wrote:
> I know which dependencies were causing the build to fail and where to
> find them, but it seems that Alexandre wanted to show users how to run
> a project as easy as clone, build and run.
ok, so what's wrong with clone, build and rung it with '-s settings.xml'
or just 'cp settings.xml to $home_dir/.m2/' ?

I would expect that education from JBoss developer showing a demo is
good thing. That should work before we add the repository into QS
pom.xml files ;)
> If I'm not wrong, this discussion started with similar issues in this
> Arun Gupta Twitter thread:
> https://twitter.com/arungupta/status/502854638832730112
> As I also told Alexandre that we were having this discussion, I
> invited him to give his feedback on this Thread so he can provide more
> details.
> Alexandre,
> Do you mind to share your restrictions and perceptions about the build
> process ?
> On 10/31/14 06:47, Marek Novotny wrote:
>>> >What restrictions does he have ?
>>> >
>>> >And I guess the issue here is ticketmonster master needs the
>>> >earlyaccess bits ?
>>> >
>>> >I think ticketmonster master could add the earlyaccess to its pom but
>>> >then just make sure once it is releaesed it gets removed which should
>>> >be fine since then it should be using any earlyaccess bundles, right ?
>> Not really, ticket-monster master branch doesn't exist. The closest to
>> master is 2.6.0.Final -
>> https://github.com/jboss-developer/ticket-monster/tree/2.6.0.Final  -
>> which is the tight to WFK 2.6.0.GA and all GAVs should be resolvable
>> fromhttp://maven.repository.redhat.com/techpreview/all/
>> I think that Rafael knows that 2.7.x-develop is unstable and includes
>> internal product GAVs which are not in all or earlyaccess.
>> So if Alexandre uses 2.6.0.Final branch/tag he should get it to work
>> just with online redhat repository
>> http://maven.repository.redhat.com/techpreview/all/. If not please
>> advice him to send errors to Vineet or me.

Marek Novotny
WFK and Seam Product Lead

Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno

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