[jbossdeveloper] Tracking Intermittent CI Failures

Ondrej Zizka ozizka at redhat.com
Thu Feb 19 18:40:25 EST 2015


this might be useful:


On 19.2.2015 18:49, Paul Robinson wrote:
> All,
> You may have noticed that intermittent failure of PR and production 
> builds is getting much worse. It's really costing us, so we need to do 
> something about it.
> I've set up a process for tracking intermittent CI failures. It's the 
> same process we used on the transactions team to significantly improve 
> the stability of the build. Dan will carry out this process and as an 
> output we will get a JIRA issue for every failure along with a tally 
> of how many times each failure is occurring. This will help us target 
> the hotspots.
> Here's the steps that Dan will follow:
> https://github.com/jboss-developer/www.jboss.org/blob/master/README.md#tracking-ci-intermittent-failures
> Dan will update this report weekly by Tues COB: 
> https://docs.google.com/a/redhat.com/spreadsheets/d/1KrHGJ7_eKzSy-3S6ZXqVFPNC1obEBjSSpSR9XkqLlow/edit#gid=0
> Paul.
> -- 
> Paul Robinson
> JBoss Developer Team Lead (www.jboss.org <http://www.jboss.org>)
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