[jbosstools-dev] Junit tests failing
Max Rydahl Andersen
max.andersen at redhat.com
Tue Oct 30 13:27:56 EDT 2007
Rob Stryker wrote:
> Ok. The requirements folders have been nuked. This solves issue 1.
> As for issue two, looking through the log, it seems the same workspace
> is used for all tests in each nightly build. For example, the workspace
> /home/hudson/jbosstools-build/200710300938-nightly/tests/workspace
> is used for all tests for that specific build.
> So my gut instinct tells me there's a test out there that's not cleaning
> up after itself, and the next test is running into problems because of it.
> The options to fix, again IMO, are:
> 1) Find the test case that's leaving a mess and make it behave more
> appropriately, or
> 2) Get Marshall to ensure a nuked / clean workspace between running
> tests for each plugin ?
that would make the tests take ages to complete afaik.
Our tests should clean up after them selves.
> It does *not* seem to be the case that the workspace used for a test is
> colliding with the workspace used in a previous build's test.
> - Rob Stryker
> My gut tells me there
> Rob Stryker wrote:
>> I'll be in touch with Prabhat after the conference call (hopefully).
>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>> here are problems I found in build:
>>>> 1. Requirements should be cleaned up (Marshall told me that before
>>>> his vocation). Now build copies all current and previous
>>>> requirements to the eclipse used for JUnit testing. Here is the
>>>> console output
>>> but why did it work a week and suddenly decided to stop ? :)
>>> Anyhow; Rob is the one that is blessed with the info about the
>>> buildsetup etc. Rob can you clean it up ?
>>>> unzipEclipse:
>>>> [echo]
>>>> eclipseInstallDir=/home/hudson/jbosstools-build/200710290346-nightly/tests/eclipse-SDK-linux-gtk.tar.gz
>>>> 2. I look through error log and it looks like test are ran on dirty
>>>> workspace that contains projects from previous start. Here is an
>>>> error from log
>>> ok - another thing to clean up then. (note: don't our tests cleanup
>>> also ? Other independent tests shouldn't see leftovers either)
>>>> [java] !ENTRY org.jboss.tools.common.model 4 0 2007-10-29
>>>> 04:30:07.559
>>>> 3. test reports from public site and from QA is different:
>>>> QA -
>>>> http://reports.qa.atl.jboss.com/binaries/RHDS/nightly/200710270005-nightly/tests/test-results/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.tests.html
>>>> public -
>>>> http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/nightly/200710251552-nightly/tests/test-results/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.tests.html
>>> Ok - that's surprising. I would expect jbosstools to have more tests
>>> than rhds since jbosstools includes more plugins...seems like the
>>> test setup is not in sync. Not critical, but should be fixed as soon
>>> as marshall gets back.
>>> I've created http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-1215 for the
>>> general fix and I hope rob gots enough info to get 1 and 2 cleaned up
>>> on hudson.
>>> /max
>>>> Denis
>>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Seems like we got us a good build again after the hibernate
>>>>> dependencies were straighten out, but our unit test status has not
>>>>> improved ;)
>>>>> http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/nightly/200710231443-nightly/tests/test-results/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.tests.html
>>>>> Hibernate test has 2 issues - i'll fix them tomorow.
>>>>> Rob - AS test seem to fail because stuff is not packaged correctly ?
>>>>> Denis - JST, seamui, tests seem to not have been fixed when the
>>>>> rhds perspective were renamed ?
>>>>> Sergey - VPE tests doesn't run at all ?
>>>>> Seam2 core tests fails (that is expected because we don't have a
>>>>> seam2 available on the build server)
>>>>> Seam1.2 core test fails (apparently the fix marshall made did not
>>>>> have an effect ;(
>>>>> Rob, Denis and Sergey - could you fix your tests ?
>>>>> /max
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