[jbosstools-dev] Junit tests failing

Rob Stryker rob.stryker at redhat.com
Tue Oct 30 13:34:30 EDT 2007

I don't mean Nuke the build. I mean nuke the workspace between plugins.

Each plugin (or feature, not sure) seems to get its own launch in the 
test workspace. I think it's fair to expect a plugin clean up after 
itself, but I also think its fair that should a plugin forget to clean 
up after itself, some *other* plugin does not experience the effects of 
the collision.

So if as.core(or as.feature)  has 10 tests, they ideally would all clean 
up after themselves. But if a test forgets to clean up after itself, it 
should only affect the other as.* tests. It should *not* affect seam.* 
which happens to try to copy a similarly-named project into the workspace.

I think its difficult to debug or figure out which test isn't cleaning 
up after itself when it could be any of dozens of plugins that could 
have left the project in the workspace. It would aid this tremendously 
to limit this between instantiations of the runtime workbench.

- Rob

Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> 2) Get Marshall to ensure a nuked / clean workspace between running 
>> tests for each plugin ?
> that would make the tests take ages to complete afaik.
> Our tests should clean up after them selves.
> /max

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