[jbosstools-dev] Fwd: Jenkins build is back to normal : jbosstools-3.3_trunk.component--common #1056

Rob Stryker rstryker at redhat.com
Sat Aug 25 04:43:21 EDT 2012

Hi all:

I went ahead and committed a significant change to the 'common' 
component. I had +1's from build and from the PM (max). I had what 
seemed like a +1 from the common lead (Dennis), but I know in my heart 
he hadn't fully had time to evaluate the patch.

The reasons I went ahead and committed this patch on the weekend are 
that we have only 1 week left for freeze. With everyone pushing tons of 
small changes in this week, the merge would only get more and more 
difficult to perform, and a broken build would become more and more 

Even still, I had to merge in changes from Viacheslav Kabanovich who 
made commits to o.j.t.common.

So, what does this mean for everyone? It means anyone doing any work on 
'common' at all, anyone who has it in their dev workspace, or anyone who 
builds it often locally, will need to cd trunk/common; svn update;  They 
will also need to make sure that the o.j.t.common.core plugin is added 
to their workspace.

There was only a small hiccup in the first build after commit. Two 
classes I had crafted by hand by accident were not properly svn-added. 
THe second and third builds all went off perfectly, however.

I hope I didn't step on anyone's toes here, but I figured if we had any 
hope on getting it in before m1 is frozen, it had to be done this 
weekend, and I figured the weekend is a very quiet and safe time to do 
it (so long as I don't mess it up ;) ).

Anyway, I am now resolving JBIDE-12469 which was associated with this 
bug, and will open a new bug for m2.

Remember: anyone doing any dev work on common will need to svn update! 
If they have any uncommitted changes in their workspace against 
o.j.t.common, they will probably need to merge these changes in locally 
to the same class in the o.j.t.common.core plugin.

Anyone importing o.j.t.common packages will be unaffected at this time. 
HOWEVER, after m1 is released, there *WILL* be a package rename, and at 
that time, ALL consumers of these classes will need to re-organize their 

Just be alert everyone. WIth JBT scheduled for 4.0.0 next year, this is 
going to be a very active year, with plugins, features, and entire 
components being added, removed, moved around, or significantly changed.

Let's keep communication open to make sure everything gets done.

- Rob Stryker, still making trouble.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Jenkins build is back to normal : 
jbosstools-3.3_trunk.component--common #1056
Date: 	Sat, 25 Aug 2012 02:30:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	ci-builds at redhat.com
To: 	rob.stryker at jboss.com

See <http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-3.3_trunk.component--common/1056/changes>

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