[jbosstools-dev] 3.3.1 / 5.0.1 - more JIRAs coming / latest respin almost done

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Tue Jul 10 22:27:39 EDT 2012

Just a heads up that a few more issues have been added to the .1 pile.


JBIDE-12299 : Widen dependency range to support Mylyn 3.8


JBIDE-12273 : The Source Lookup plugin is not compatible with m2e 1.1 
(m2e Juno)

JBIDE-12111 : dynamically set the maven-compiler-plugin for seam 
projects, in order to avoid constraint violation occurring when 
mavenizing seam 2.3 projects

JBIDE-12207 : Bump default Seam version in the JBoss Maven Facet wizard page

JBIDE-11310 :  resetting models when user switches the openshift user

JBDS-2219, JBDS-2220, JBDS-2221 : central connector tweaks for mylyn


JBDS-2218 : add eclipse-cs to Central


Looks like the affected components have all built and now we're just 
waiting on the new updatesite/installer build for JBDS to finish.

Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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