[jbossws-dev] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: JBossWS Test Approach

richard.opalka@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Mar 5 05:55:30 EST 2009

"richard.opalka at jboss.com" wrote : it's error prone approach
We're using maven surefire plugin to invoke our junit integration tests.
The problem is our tests are not just java component tests but they test whole
JBossWS integration to JBossAS. The concrete problem is we're using maven
dependencies mechanism to configure our tests classpath.
Unfortunately this introduces many defects to our tests:

  We're not testing AS using AS provided libraries in distribution
  We're using libraries from local maven repository where
    many of these libraries has wrong version (because of outdated dependency exclusions)
    we don't have control over which version of particular component jar will
        be used for testing when there are two libraries of the
        same component with different version.
        The only way to achieve it is to use maven
        dependency exclusions (a lot of work without any evident added value).
        These exclusions should be updated on daily basis when testing
        AS moving branches/trunks.
    we're using out of date libraries for moving AS versions - many updates
        of the required dependencies are not released to the maven repository
        To solve this AS maven artifacts (SNAPSHOTS) should be uploaded to maven repo on daily basis.

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