[jbossws-users] [JBoss Web Services Users] - Re: WS client reuse http connection

cdebergh do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Dec 11 16:57:50 EST 2009

Figured it out.
The http.maxConnection settings is not a limit on the total connections but rather the maximum connections to keep open after they were used.
In my case I consistently have 10 simultaneous requests. So 10 would open, 5 would close, 5 more would open, 5 more would close, and so on. Those that close stay in the TIME_WAIT state for 60 seconds (OS Configuration). This causes TIME_WAIT connections to build up quickly to around ~600. By increasing the maximum idle connections (http.maxConnections) to something larger like 20, open connections are now around 10-13.
Axis2 only opens one connection per port instance (no pool) whereas JAX-WS pools multiple connections as they are needed. 

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