[jbpm-users] TaskType Service

Tihomir Surdilovic tsurdilo at redhat.com
Mon Oct 3 18:52:33 EDT 2011

Hi Alex, sorry for the late response. The jBPM web designer still 
includes some properties which are not supported in jBPM5. We are 
removing the unsupported ones as time allows and the Service Task node 
is next on my list :). The implementation drop-down in the properties 
tab of the Service Task in web designer should not be used. It is 
confusing, but in the next version this confusion will no longer be 
there. If you want to implement a task that executes a web-service call, 
you should do that now via a custom workitem. The web designer has full 
integration support for custom work items, so you do not have to resort 
to other tooling for that at all (see videos: http://vimeo.com/26126678 
and http://vimeo.com/29457538).

Hope this helps.
On 9/30/11 4:14 PM, Alex Pinheiro das Graças wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new at JBPM world. I have instaled the 5.1final version to 
> windows. After installed it i started to create simple BPs, the hello 
> world sample worked flawless.
> My problem is: I am trying to create a simple BP that call a WebService.
> As our goal is to create the bp using a web tool, I started to use 
> webeditor
> http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/
>  1. I created a task
>  2. Changed TaskType to Service
>  3. Set Implementation to WebService
>  4. Set Operation, porttype, servicename, wsdlUrl
>  5. File->"Save Changes"
> Problem: After the model is saved all the four properties: Operation, 
> porttype, servicename, wsdlUrl are empty.
> This is strange because i haven't changed any settings.
> __
> M.Sc. Engº Alex Pinheiro das Graças
> Vitória, Brasil
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