[jbpm-users] now can guvnor support "Embedded Subprocess" ?

jiacc at gillion.com.cn jiacc at gillion.com.cn
Wed Oct 5 11:28:53 EDT 2011

HI , 

thank for your answer . we like the guvnor and hope the process is designed in guvnor .

question 1:
When you plan to release jbpm5.2 that will fix JBPM-3360 ? Our project schedule is very tight,so very concerned about this.
can the new guvnor version  implements our requirement:

the process contains a 'Multiple Instances' node  , and the 'Multiple Instances' node contains a 'Reusable Sub-process' node. i can call jbpm5 api 'ksession.startProcess' to run the process correctly

question 2:

my code:

  KnowledgeAgentConfiguration aconf = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgentConfiguration();
  aconf.setProperty("drools.agent.newInstance", "false");
  KnowledgeAgent kagent = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgent("Guvnor default", aconf);
  KnowledgeBase kBase = kagent.getKnowledgeBase();
  return kBase ;

these codes can help me to get the process from guvnor to run it. 

i hope that  :first i define a process in guvnor  ,then the process can be started and run by calling jbpm api :such as startProcess and completeTask methods.

this is ok?

发件人: Tihomir Surdilovic 
发送时间: 2011-10-05  23:02:35 
收件人: jiacc at gillion.com.cn 
抄送: jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org 
主题: Re: [jbpm-users] now can guvnor support "Embedded Subprocess" ? 
Hi, again until https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPM-3360 is fixed, you would have to use the Eclipse rule-flow editor for processes which have container components. 
Guvnor is an asset repository and editing environment, not a runtime environment like jbpm-console. You can upload your process developed in Eclipse for now to Guvnor via WebDav or the Guvnor REST Api and build your Guvnor package which will expose the pkg to your client application(s) via http(s). 

Hope this helps.

On 10/5/11 10:57 AM, jiacc at gillion.com.cn wrote: 
Hi ,  
I design a process in jbpm eclipse designer . the process contains a 'Multiple Instances' node  , and the 'Multiple Instances' node contains a 'Reusable Sub-process' node. i can call jbpm5 api 'ksession.startProcess' to run the process correctly.
Now , i hope to design the process in guvnor web designer. now can guvnor finish the process designer  ?at the same the process can runn correctly by calling jbpm5 api ?
if can , how to do?
the process information is showed in the topic:  http://community.jboss.org/thread/173194?tstart=0 

发件人: jiacc at gillion.com.cn 
发送时间: 2011-10-05  22:37:26 
收件人: Tihomir Surdilovic 
抄送: jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org 
主题: [jbpm-users] now can guvnor support "Embedded Subprocess" ? 

Now ,can guvnor support "Embedded Subprocess" ?



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