[jbpm-users] [jBPM5] jbpm-console actions modification

Abel Nightroad krsnik02.abel at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 16:17:41 EDT 2011

Hello Tihomir,

I'm interested in using jbpm console and I can see You are one of
developers who commited code to it.

What I wont to achieve is to be able to extend possioble actions on
forms to start and stop actions and to log these events in database. I
dont believe that those events are in drools/jbpm engine but they can
be simply logged from actions.

I would be very gratefull it you tell me what projects sources I
should download and how to configure them to be able to modify/add
these actions to forms in jbpm5.1. What I wont to achieve is to make
server handle 2 more actions sent from ftl forms: start and stop.


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