[jbpm-users] [jBPM5] jbpm-console actions modification

Tihomir Surdilovic tsurdilo at redhat.com
Thu Oct 6 10:50:32 EDT 2011

Hi, there are two parts to the console - the server-side which is 
available in our github repository: 
https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm/tree/master/jbpm-gwt and then the 
actual GWT front-end app. We are currently in the middle of updating 
that to the latest (https://github.com/bpmc/bpm-console) because jBPM 
5.1 uses an older version which is not on github. As soon as we do that, 
you will be able to make changes to both end. Follow this Jira to get 
updates on completion: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPM-3012.

As far as currently building the console, clone jbpm from github 
(https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm) and run the maven build:

mvn clean install -Dfull -DskipTests -U

the console zip will be created in the jbpm-distribution/target 
directory and you can just copy that to your jbpm-installer/lib 
directory, update the installer build.properties to reflect the correct 
version of the console and run
ant clean.demo
ant install.demo
ant run.demo

Hope this helps.
On 10/5/11 4:17 PM, Abel Nightroad wrote:
> Hello Tihomir,
> I'm interested in using jbpm console and I can see You are one of
> developers who commited code to it.
> What I wont to achieve is to be able to extend possioble actions on
> forms to start and stop actions and to log these events in database. I
> dont believe that those events are in drools/jbpm engine but they can
> be simply logged from actions.
> I would be very gratefull it you tell me what projects sources I
> should download and how to configure them to be able to modify/add
> these actions to forms in jbpm5.1. What I wont to achieve is to make
> server handle 2 more actions sent from ftl forms: start and stop.

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