[jbpm-users] understanding data model jBPM3

Leys Wim wim.leys at syntravlaanderen.be
Thu Oct 6 13:07:38 EDT 2011


I'd like to know how the relations between nodes is represented in a jBPM database. I thought it would be best to focus on jBPM3, as this will most likely have the simplest datamodel, compared to the new versions. 

I found the documentation of the jBPM3 data model at http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBPM3DataModel. It gave me a good overview of the tables and their relations, but I haven't found any documentation about the different columns, their meaning and their possible values. 

At the moment it is still unclear to me how forking gateways, synchronising gateways, both for parallel forking and inclusive decision are handled in the database. 
In other words, in what table/column will I find what specific value that tells me that the node is a forking gateway (or its corresponding synchronising gateway) and how can I tell if it's a for a parallel forking <+> or for an inclusive decision <X> ?
Looking at the data model, I think I should only focus on a very small subset of the data model: jbpm_processdefinition, jbpm_node and jbpm_transition. 

With kind regards

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