[jbpm-users] Email Service Task. JBPM 5.1

Alex Pinheiro das Graças alex.pgracas at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 13:39:38 EDT 2011


I am reading about Service Tasks. This a good video explaining how we can
create Service Tasks: http://vimeo.com/29457538.

Ok my point is when you open the eclipse BMPN editor there are two Service
Tasks Log and Email.
But i don't find this configuration files to both Service Tasks. So how were
they added?

One last thing, by default the eclipse create a Hello Process. I tried to
modify this process adding the Email Service Task, but when i tried to run
the application I got an exception:

Could not find work item handler for Email

It's complaining about the work item handler, but where they were supposed
to be?

M.Sc. Engº Alex Pinheiro das Graças
Vitória, Brasil
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