[jdf-dev] Richfaces quickstats move to git submodules

Rafael Benevides benevides at redhat.com
Thu Jul 4 18:56:23 EDT 2013


Brian needs to update richfaces quickstarts on JDF.  As we know, the 
merge is becoming painful and full of conflicts specially when we make 
some changes on the quickstarts (bom versions, bug fixes, etc).

That's an excellent opportunity to start using git submodules and update 
everything we need (readme generation scripts and jdf-site) to allow the 
quickstarts on a subfolder (the git submodule folder) as we discussed on 
migration plan

I also discussed that we will use the git submodule pointing to a tag; 
so richfaces team can control what is published.

So the reason of this email is to inform about this discussion and say 
that Brian will provide a PR with this modification. After we merge the 
PR, we can work together on the changes that may be necessary.

Before sending the PR, Brian warned that this organization will not 
allow kitchensink-* implementations to be grouped together. Well, as I 
said, that's an excellent opportunity to catch all details about the 
migration plan.

We should talk tomorrow on #jboss-jdf and fine tune the process (which 
will also help to keep modifications in sync).

Thanks everyone and thanks Brian for being a candidate.

Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil

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