[jdf-dev] Richfaces quickstats move to git submodules

Sande Gilda sgilda at redhat.com
Fri Jul 5 08:02:48 EDT 2013


I do have a few questions about the submodules before we move forward, 
I'm still a little concerned about directory levels and grouping. I'm 
sure you will be able to clarify this for me. :-)


On 07/04/2013 06:56 PM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
> Sande,
> Brian needs to update richfaces quickstarts on JDF.  As we know, the 
> merge is becoming painful and full of conflicts specially when we make 
> some changes on the quickstarts (bom versions, bug fixes, etc).
> That's an excellent opportunity to start using git submodules and 
> update everything we need (readme generation scripts and jdf-site) to 
> allow the quickstarts on a subfolder (the git submodule folder) as we 
> discussed on migration plan
> I also discussed that we will use the git submodule pointing to a tag; 
> so richfaces team can control what is published.
> So the reason of this email is to inform about this discussion and say 
> that Brian will provide a PR with this modification. After we merge 
> the PR, we can work together on the changes that may be necessary.
> Before sending the PR, Brian warned that this organization will not 
> allow kitchensink-* implementations to be grouped together. Well, as I 
> said, that's an excellent opportunity to catch all details about the 
> migration plan.
> We should talk tomorrow on #jboss-jdf and fine tune the process (which 
> will also help to keep modifications in sync).
> Thanks everyone and thanks Brian for being a candidate.

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