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Fri Apr 26 09:12:52 EDT 2013

suresh pathak <pathak.suresh at gmail.com> (unregistered) wrote, in response to Vineet Reynolds:

I am not able to understand how this datasource will link.I haven't installed any database in my system like oracle/mysql.So how is it going to use this datasource. I am not getting this.
Please explain me.

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Vineet Reynolds wrote:

Suresh, running the example through Maven is not necessary, but it has a better possibility of not resulting in a failure.

The datasource is defined in WEB-INF/kitchensink-quickstart-ds.xml. If it is not deployed, or detected in the deployment made by Eclipse, you will see the error. The message you see about missing dependents is due to the datasource not being found in the JNDI tree when deploying the JPA persistence unit.

You could retry deploying through Maven, since it packages up the datasource and makes the deployment as a packaged WAR. If that fails, you could open up the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments directory to examine the deployment for the -ds.xml file.

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