[jsr-314-open] Problem with Resource.getRequestPath() in a portlet environment

Lincoln Baxter, III lincolnbaxter at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 12:43:00 EST 2010

I believe it is your responsibility, since that method is required to simply
pass-through the servlet/portletrequest return value for that method.

Lincoln Baxter III
Keep it simple.

On Jan 13, 2010 12:18 PM, "Neil Griffin" <neil.griffin at portletfaces.org>

Hello all,

This could be a bug in Mojarra 2.0.2, or it could be a problem with the spec
-- I'm not sure. Someone please help me out. :-)

I'm trying to get JSF 2.0 resource stuff to work right in the PortletFaces
Bridge, but the return value from Resource.getRequestPath() is not

So the question is... who's responsibility is it to call
ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL()? Should that already be done by
Resource.getRequestPath(), or should the calling method  (like
StyleSheetRenderer.encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) take care of it?


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