[keycloak-dev] Working on the HTML for the Admin Console

Gabriel Cardoso gcardoso at redhat.com
Tue Aug 27 12:59:37 EDT 2013

I've just finish a basic implementation for the Admin Console:

Some characteristics of it:
- Using Bootstrap 3 as a basis
- CSS written in less.css
- Spaces declared in em instead of px
- Generic icons by IconMoon (sprites)
- HTML5 tags only for progressive enhancement
- Using some code already provided by the RCUE initiative.
- Valid and semantic HTML
- Some basic responsive support (Bootstrap)

> Please log into keycloak and see what we currently have.
Both your as Stian's live examples were unavailable in the last days. Something missing?

> * I'd like to see a "Welcome Bill Burke" dropdown menu on the right side 
> that allows you to logout or manage your account.
Implemented according to the RCUE style (without the welcome).

> * I'd like to have a dropdown on the left side in which you can choose 
> the realm you want to manage, much like the "Current Profile" box in the 
> EAP admin console.
Instead of a dropdown, we have a list of elements you want to manage at the left side.

In case of the application page, it would be nice to display somewhere which realm the application belongs.

This is a first draft. There are solutions not defined by the RCUE, so I'm talking to them about it. 


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