[keycloak-dev] Working on the HTML for the Admin Console

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Tue Aug 27 14:31:19 EDT 2013

On 8/27/2013 12:59 PM, Gabriel Cardoso wrote:
> I've just finish a basic implementation for the Admin Console:
> http://ejsclient-cardosogabriel.rhcloud.com/application-settings.html
> https://github.com/cardosogabriel/ejs-client/tree/master/php

> *Some characteristics of it:*
> - Using Bootstrap 3 as a basis
> - CSS written in less.css
> - Spaces declared in /em/ instead of /px/
> /- /Generic icons by IconMoon (sprites)
> - HTML5 tags only for progressive enhancement
> /
> - Using some code already provided by the RCUE initiative.
> /
> - Valid and semantic HTML
> - Some basic responsive support (Bootstrap)
>> Please log into keycloak and see what we currently have.
> Both your as Stian's live examples were unavailable in the last days.
> Something missing?
>> * I'd like to see a "Welcome Bill Burke" dropdown menu on the right side
>> that allows you to logout or manage your account.
> Implemented according to the RCUE style (without the welcome).
>> * I'd like to have a dropdown on the left side in which you can choose
>> the realm you want to manage, much like the "Current Profile" box in the
>> EAP admin console.
> Instead of a dropdown, we have a list of elements you want to manage at
> the left side.

I still want a dropdown like the "Current Profile" box in the EAP admin 
console to pick which realm you want.

> In case of the application page, it would be nice to display somewhere
> which realm the application belongs.

I thought we'd agreed that Application is not something created 
separately from Realm?  I think this would have an effect on your design 
as there would be two less buttons at the top left corner.  There would 
be no "Applications" or "Realms" buttons.

> This is a first draft. There are solutions not defined by the RCUE, so
> I'm talking to them about it.
> Comments?

Looks pretty clean.  I'll incorporate some of the styles soon after I 
get a good chunk of my book done.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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