[keycloak-dev] PicketLink and KC Integration

Pedro Igor Silva psilva at redhat.com
Fri Jul 25 22:00:21 EDT 2014

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bill Burke" <bburke at redhat.com>
> To: "Pedro Igor Silva" <psilva at redhat.com>
> Cc: keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 10:44:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [keycloak-dev] PicketLink and KC Integration
> Good work.  This is precisely the type of integration with Picketlink I
> was hoping for.
> On 7/25/2014 5:58 PM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:
> >      Another aspect is the possibility to provide a deep integration with a
> >      specific IdP in order to properly manage tokens by a consumer
> >      application. This is specially useful when your application does not
> >      use KC adapter, but only keycloak.js or something else to update and
> >      send tokens in every single request to the server.
> >
> This could work for Bearer token requests, but not for the oauth
> redirection protocol.  Unless Picketlink has a pure-servlet
> authentication SPI that we could write an adapter for.

I think we have that. Today we provide an AuthenticationFilter (which we want to review and provide a better servlet-security support) that is based
on different authentication schemes to provided different methods of authentication. Currently we support BASIC, DIGEST, FORM, CLIENT-CERT and TOKEN.
You can provide your own custom scheme too.

Regarding oAuth, that is one of the scenarios I testing. I think we can use oAuth redirection considering what we have. Let's see ...

> I want to write a pure-servlet adapter and a pure-jaxrs adapter just
> haven't had the time yet.
> BTW, take a look at Ubefire security SPIs.  It might be interesting to
> get them to move it to Picketlink.  Then Picketlink could have a
> pure-servlet, portable authentication layer.  I don't know anything
> about Spring Security, but maybe this is in the same area.

I'll, thanks for the heads up. And yes, PL and Spring Security are in the same area. But as I said, we have a big TODO here:


Anil and I wrote that some time ago, but you can have an idea about our plans for servlet security.

> >      With that in mind, I would like to know if we can provide the KC
> >      related implementation from KC itself. The motivation is that in
> >      order to properly handle KC tokens we need some KC libraries and I
> >      think the best place to put this is in KC. Any change to API or
> >      something we get during KC build. KC users looking for PL integration
> >      just get it from KC OOTB.
> >
> I don't care where the code lives.  Up to you.  We can maintain it so
> long as you provide some unit tests.  (it would go under integration/)

Cool. We can also support that.

> --
> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> http://bill.burkecentral.com

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