[keycloak-dev] Authz Model Implementation

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Fri Oct 16 13:18:22 EDT 2015

On 10/16/2015 9:07 AM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:
> Yeah, I've talked with Bolek as well and we discussed about focusing on JPA (which I was already using) for now, but still provide a SPI for future implementations.
>>From a SPI perspective, I did something very simple without KC's org.keycloak.provider.Spi. The main reason for this decision is that Spis in KC are not loaded when defined within a custom provider and I'm trying to minimize changes in KC itself.

How could the org.keycloak.provider.Spi not work?  It uses the 
META-INF/services pattern to locate new and old Spis.  Nothing magical 
there.  Your jar just needs to be loaded into the appropriate modules.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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