[keycloak-dev] SAML client integration HTTP 405 error

Adrien DESBIAUX adesbiaux at vente-privee.com
Tue Aug 28 08:40:54 EDT 2018

Hi there,

We are running Keycloak 3.4, and we noticed that for some SAML clients, we get a HTTP 405 error.

This happen for example with client having a local login and a button to login with SSO. For example Appdynamics does that (to name only that one). They perform a POST request to the Keycloak SAML endpoint of the configured client, leading to a HTTP 405 error.

The fact that they perform a POST to load the Keycloak login page is discussable, but how to counter this behaviour on Keycloak client's configuration side?

Thank you in advance for your guidance.


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