[keycloak-dev] Keycloak testsuite artifacts on maven, for module testing

Doswald Alistair alistair.doswald at elca.ch
Tue Dec 4 11:41:32 EST 2018

I agree that it’s not necessarily Ideal, but I have found that there’s the advantage that the tests to be written for extensions (at least ours) can often be inspired from existing tests of similar features, and having some of the same classes available simplifies the process. This is not perfect, as sometimes this requires figuring out what’s going on in the testsuite code, and also some functional code is in the test section, and thus not available in the artifacts.

For updating its not really a problem however (I hope). It’s something that often has to be done anyway for extensions when keycloak changes version, though it may cause some extra work to account for the refactoring of the testsuite classes as well.

On balance, at least for now, I feel that reusing existing testsuite code lessens the development burden of the tests for extensions, which is why we went with this solution.

From: Stian Thorgersen <sthorger at redhat.com>
Sent: mardi 4 décembre 2018 16:26
To: Doswald Alistair <alistair.doswald at elca.ch>
Cc: keycloak-dev <keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org>
Subject: Re: [keycloak-dev] Keycloak testsuite artifacts on maven, for module testing

Thanks for the explanation.

I'm not sure if it makes all that much sense to publish the artifacts as they are as it is all very much setup to support testing of Keycloak itself and as such contains a lot of complexity. You'll quite likely also often have to update it as we refactor/change our tests.

Would be nice to have a simple way to test extensions with Arquillian though.

On Tue, 4 Dec 2018 at 11:36, Doswald Alistair <alistair.doswald at elca.ch<mailto:alistair.doswald at elca.ch>> wrote:
Re-reading my mail, I feel that I may not have been very clear, sorry.

So: For the cloudtrust project (on github:  https://github.com/cloudtrust), we have developed or furthered a certain number of extensions (modules) for keycloak (I wrote a mail on this mailing list about them a few months back, and was asked to list them here: https://www.keycloak.org/extensions.html), for example an extension to allow keycloak to use ws-fed or to do a full export while running.  We will also soon need to develop some new modules.

We originally wrote those extensions for keycloak 3.4.3.Final, but we are currently updating them to the latest version of keycloak, and as part of the process, we are moving the unit tests from a mock-based system to arquillian, so that they are more meaningful. To simplify the task, and since the code is already there, we are using existing classes from the keycloak testsuite.

We are currently only using classes from integration-arquillian-tests-base, for example the classes LoginPage and OAuthClient. For our current use I don’t actually expect to use classes from any other artifact, though since we are at the start of the process, I may be wrong about that.  We are also using the pom from integration-arquillian-tests as a parent for our maven project for now, as a convenience. This will probably have to be changed in the future.

And basically, though currently we are building keycloak to deploy the testsuite artifacts to our local artifactory to use them, I was wondering if they are already available on a public maven repository, or if they could be, like the other keycloak artifacts are.

From: Stian Thorgersen <sthorger at redhat.com<mailto:sthorger at redhat.com>>
Sent: vendredi 30 novembre 2018 09:31
To: Doswald Alistair <alistair.doswald at elca.ch<mailto:alistair.doswald at elca.ch>>
Cc: keycloak-dev <keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org<mailto:keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org>>
Subject: Re: [keycloak-dev] Keycloak testsuite artifacts on maven, for module testing

Can you add a bit more details please? What modules and how are you using them?

On Thu, 29 Nov 2018, 10:34 Doswald Alistair <alistair.doswald at elca.ch<mailto:alistair.doswald at elca.ch> wrote:

Are the keycloak testsuite artifacts pushed to a public repository? Or if not, would it be possible to publish them alongside the other keycloak artifacts?

We are currently updating the cloudtrust keycloak modules to the latest version of keycloak, and as a part of that we are moving the tests from mocks to arquillian. Since there's a lot of great work already done, we reuse the keycloak testsuite artifacts for this. For our purposes this is fine (we have them cached in our local repository), but for anybody who wishes to build our modules from github it's a bit more cumbersome. On a more general level, it would probably also help other module developers who wish to unit test with arquillian.

Best regards,

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