[keycloak-dev] Authenticating Desktop Applications with Keycloak and the keycloak-installed adapter

Hendrik Ebbers hendrik.ebbers at me.com
Thu Jan 4 01:56:22 EST 2018

Hi Lennart,

here is a gist that does a manual login by doing a rest call to keycloak. By doing so you do not need any callback

https://gist.github.com/hendrikebbers/4c14db0967ce14ce623baa1f698b230c <https://gist.github.com/hendrikebbers/4c14db0967ce14ce623baa1f698b230c>

Next to this you need to handle some other thinks like the refresh of the token on your own. This must be done in an additional request for example.



> Am 04.01.2018 um 03:30 schrieb Lennart Jörelid <lennart.jorelid at gmail.com>:
> So ... I'm unclear about what would be the best way to
>   1. Use a Native/JavaFX application with its own Login screen and within
>   its own process. Bring up a browser is not the user experience I would want
>   to force on the user.
>   2. Use KeyCloak for authentication
>   3. After authentication, use KeyCloak to communicate with a
>   Bearer-token-secured RESTful backend service over HTTP/HTTPS or WebSockets
> Is the better way to:
>   1. Implement a local ServerSocket within the Native/JavaFX application
>   to accept the KeyCloak Callback. This can be done with something like
>   Undertow and a tiny handler, so not too complex. However ... I would like a
>   code example showing how to convert the inbound HttpServletRequest (to the
>   Undertow server on localhost) from the KeyCloak to the Keycloak
>   AccessToken. Presumably, one would need to decorate each JaxRS Client call
>   to the restful webservice (using Bearer token access) with the KeyCloak
>   Access token as well. Since the JaxRS 2.x Client is the de-facto standard
>   from the current JavaEE distribution, it would be good to see an example of
>   how to tailor a ... KeyCloak JaxRS Client request filter, maybe?
> I realize, from the example and the codebase, that 99% of the use cases
> here are Web/JavaScript clients and maybe Smartphone apps, but it would be
> really nice to have an example holding the scenario above, since it is
> basically the way to make native applications or JavaFX clients integrate
> properly (i.e. not sprouting a browser, which yields an inferior user
> experience) with services protected by KeyCloak. Fair?
> 2017-07-25 9:52 GMT+02:00 Thomas Darimont <thomas.darimont at googlemail.com>:
>> Hi Bill,
>> that's nice to hear!
>> Is there already a JIRA issue for that? May I open a pull request and you
>> take it from there?
>> I think the TLS feature was a bit over ambitious - so never mind. The idea
>> was to optionally allow using
>> https for connections to + allowing users to pass-in a custom
>> cert / trust store.
>> Note that using instead of localhost might cause some
>> compatibility problems and should be mentioned in the migration guide.
>> E.g. users who already use the keycloak-installed adapter probably need to
>> adapt the allowed redirect
>> uri pattern in the client configuration in Keycloak ( instead of
>> localhost).
>> Cheers,
>> Thomas
>> 2017-07-25 0:21 GMT+02:00 Bill Burke <bburke at redhat.com>:
>>> On 7/18/17 9:42 AM, Thomas Darimont wrote:
>>>> - Add support for TLS (with custom certificates) for https:// with
>>> localhost
>>> Hey, I'm incorporating your changes, but one question I have is why do
>>> you need this?
>>> Bill
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