[keycloak-dev] Keycloak Error : "User with user name XXXX already exists. How do you want to continue"

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Thu Sep 20 11:53:20 EDT 2018

Hi, this version is very old and no longer supported. Upgrade to the later
version (ideally latest) is highly recommended. Marek

Dne st 19. 9. 2018 20:51 uživatel Kalidindi, Sai Soma Kala <
sai-soma-kala.kalidindi at microfocus.com> napsal:

> Hi,
> We are using 1.9.8 version of keycloak. We have few customers,  who has
> integrated their identity providers like ADFS, OKTA, Ldap ...with our Key
> cloak and it works. Lately we are seeing this below error message after
> their successful initial login, this happens to couple of users once in two
> weeks or so . When they try to login they see the error "User with user
> name XXXX already exists. How do you want to continue". Initially it used
> to happens once in few months, at that time,  I would go to user_entity
> table in keycloak and delete the entry with this username and then when
> user try to log in, it works and entry gets re-created . This is our fix
> for now, every time any user hits above error, I delete the entry form
> user_entity tabel.
> Lately it has been happening once in few days, and we are trying to find
> permanent fix for this. I would like to understand why this is happening
> after a series of successful logins by the same user .  We are using old
> version of keycloak, does upgrading to latest version solve this issue? Any
> recommendation or help on above error is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Sai.
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