[keycloak-user] Typical memory usage Keycloak in production?

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Tue Mar 1 08:27:30 EST 2016

Depends how much you want to cache.  Given how cheap memory is nowadays, 
I'd shoot for having enough memory that can cache the entire DB.  
Minimally enough memory to house all the  realm metdata (realm 
attribute, clients, roles, groups, etc...)

I actually have no idea how much memory a single user would grab. 10k?  
10K * 10K is 100 Meg?

On 3/1/2016 3:39 AM, Edgar Vonk - Info.nl wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering what would be typical (max) memory usage for a Keycloak instance running in production for a customer portal with average (whatever that means..) usage and thousands of users in Keycloak (with maybe a few dozen active at any one time)? We are running Keycloak in a Docker container on Mesos/Marathon with Oracle as database and Active Directory as user store. We are wondering whether to configure this Docker container to have say 512MB of memory or maybe even 1024MB. Any advice?
> cheers
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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