[keycloak-user] Set up iOS app with Ninja server

Doug Drouillard douglas.drouillard at gmail.com
Tue May 30 13:38:00 EDT 2017

I am trying to set up an iOS app that works with a Ninja (JVM/Java 8)
server and keycloak.

More info on ninja - http://www.ninjaframework.org/

I am using aerogear to get a jwt directly from the keycloak service. I then
want to pass the jwt back to my ninja (JVM) back-end service.

I know I can validate the token without hitting the keycloak service to
some degree, but say I wanted to get the user info or verify the id of the
token, and that it has not been revoked, how would I go about contacting
the keycloak server? I am not using any sort of special security or signing
on my jwt tokens.   Do I use the authz or admin client? Any specific
examples to look at?

I tried to implement one of the adapters but did not have any luck. I was
hoping to set up a simple example like


Except instead of getting the token using username/password I was hoping to
use my jwt that I got from the front-end.

Is this supported by the Java clients as is, or do I need to write my own?
It seems like this is discouraged in favor of the server side adapters but
I am just trying to get started by validating my tokens and was not able to
get any of them working with ninja.


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