[keycloak-user] open-id/connect endpoint giving unexpected result

Ulrik Sjölin ulrik.sjolin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 01:58:22 EDT 2018


I am using 4.5.0 and have a simple setup with 2 users (Alice and Jdoe) each
of them has a UMA-resource. Jdoe is sharing his

resource with Alice (all scopes). Running “evaluate” in the admin-web-ui
everything looks correct: Alice does have Delete-Scope (and 4 other scopes)
on JdoeResource.

I use a simple curl script but it does however not give the same result as
the evaluate-web-ui does:

Using the /openid-connect/token, “permission=#Delete” and
subject_token=$ALICE_TOKEN, I get the expected result (both Alice and Jdoes
resources are returned correctly):


changing to “permission=AlliceResource#Delete” everything looks like


Changing again to the id of JoeResource i.e
“permission=854b0ac8-8504-4b92-b642-1c959a1f8de0#Delete", I get:


But changing to “permission=JdoeResource#Delete”, I get, what I think is

{"error":"invalid_resource","error_description":"Resource with id
[JdoeResource] does not exist."}

Is this expected behavior? Is there something I am doing wrong?

Best Regards,


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