[keycloak-user] Setting NameID to Unspecified

Ron Alleva ronallevatech at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 22:51:36 EDT 2019

Hi all,

I'm working with a particular IdP client, and they have requested that I
set the NameID field to an attribute on the user that is neither username
or email, and that it must be in the "unspecified" format.

I've been trying a bunch of different configuration options to get it work,
but none seem to do what I need it to do. I know about
"saml.persistent.name.id.for.$clientId" on a user, and I've been trying
variations on that.

Does anyone have any guidance on how to have a attribute of the user be
populated in the NameID field, with a format of "unspecified"?


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