[keycloak-user] create user via java api

John Norris johnnorris-10 at outlook.com
Thu Dec 5 13:38:01 EST 2019

And doing as I suggested (builder object with Master, create user realm) 
with SpringBootKeycloak) causes a 404 error on the create user line.
So that is not right either. And using "Master" throughout also fails 
with a 404 error.

Interestingly, setting realm back to SpringBootKeycloak and using an 
incorrect password for admincloak still causes a 401 (unauthorized) 
error on the create user line. Not on the keycloak builder line. Is that 
a design error in the api? It does seem inherently  wrong to not return 
an exception if the incorrect user credentials are input.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Tony Harris" <Tony.Harris at oneadvanced.com>
To: "John Norris" <johnnorris-10 at outlook.com>; 
"keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org" <keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org>
Sent: 04/12/2019 17:35:01
Subject: RE: create user via java api

>If you look under the Users Role mapping tab, and select the client Roles for realm-management you will find all the roles there.

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