[keycloak-user] create user via java api

John Norris johnnorris-10 at outlook.com
Thu Dec 5 13:14:34 EST 2019

So I go into keycloak admin and look at the admincloak user in the master realm, select a realm under client roles, and long list of effective roles (no assigned or available roles) but for both SpringBootKeycloak realm and Master realm there is no realm-management. There is however a manage-realm which I guess is the same thing.

So admincloak does have those permissions.

Which leads back to the base question, why is admincloak getting invalid user credentials error. Should realm be master for the KeycloakBuilder object and then changed for the line
so that REALM is SpringBootKeycloak.

PS - sorry for the awful naming - this was originally just going to be a quick play.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Tony Harris" <Tony.Harris at oneadvanced.com<mailto:Tony.Harris at oneadvanced.com>>
To: "John Norris" <johnnorris-10 at outlook.com<mailto:johnnorris-10 at outlook.com>>; "keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org<mailto:keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org>" <keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org<mailto:keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org>>
Sent: 04/12/2019 17:35:01
Subject: RE: create user via java api

If you look under the Users Role mapping tab, and select the client Roles for realm-management you will find all the roles there.

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