[keycloak-user] create user via java api

John Norris johnnorris-10 at outlook.com
Tue Dec 10 06:30:35 EST 2019

Hi Bjorn,

yes that did the trick. Now interestingly, if I continued to use 3.9.3.Final for the resteasy dependencies, it once again failed.
But changing to 3.5.1.Final allowed it to work.
So I take it that resteasy 3.5.1.Final and jackson 2.9.8 work together?
Out of interest, how do you know these two versions work together and what other versions will work together?
Many thanks and regards,

PS. when you say <version>${jackson.version}</version> and <jackson-jaxrs-version>2.9.8</jackson-jaxrs-version>, you mean <jackson-version>2.9.8</jackson-version>?
Or vice versa.

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