[keycloak-user] create user via java api

Björn Sonntag bjoern.sonntag at t-online.de
Tue Dec 10 06:44:39 EST 2019

Hi John,

resteasy version 3.5.1.Final  is part of the wildly which is delivered by keycloak (look in the modules). The jackson version should be <jackson.version>2.8.7</jackson.version>, sorry for the misspelling, was in the wrong line BUT here you have a range. All versions between [2.8.7, current) should work.

You can look in the documentation from the jackson and the reasteasy framework which is the lowest possible version from jackson and this you should use. 

Kind regards


> Am 10.12.2019 um 12:30 schrieb John Norris <johnnorris-10 at outlook.com>:
> Hi Bjorn,
> yes that did the trick. Now interestingly, if I continued to use 3.9.3.Final for the resteasy dependencies, it once again failed.
> But changing to 3.5.1.Final allowed it to work.
> So I take it that resteasy 3.5.1.Final and jackson 2.9.8 work together?
> Out of interest, how do you know these two versions work together and what other versions will work together?
> Many thanks and regards,
> John
> PS. when you say <version>${jackson.version}</version> and <jackson-jaxrs-version>2.9.8</jackson-jaxrs-version>, you mean <jackson-version>2.9.8</jackson-version>?
> Or vice versa.

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