[keycloak-user] The "Lost data because of abrupt leavers" message in the server logs

Hossein Doutaghy hossein.doutaghy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 16:26:46 EDT 2019


We are seeing the following FATAL logs message in server.log whenever a
node leaves the HA cluster.

15:39:21,605 FATAL [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (transport-thread--p14-t6)
[Context=clientSessions] ISPN000313: Lost data because of abrupt
leavers [ckey-ckey-1]

I do not see any session lost when a node is leaving a cluster. Could you
please confirm why this message is generate and is there actually any data
lose at the time a node leaves the cluster?
Can we prevent this FATAL message from showing in the logs? if so, how it
is possible?

Moe Doutaghy

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