[keycloak-user] Missing custom attributes from migrated users

luis.villaca at petrobras.com.br luis.villaca at petrobras.com.br
Wed Jun 26 17:03:43 EDT 2019


I do not see the custom attributes from users created in Realm A, migrated
to Realm B.

I have configured in Realm A, using it for SSO, a user federation that
validates the credentials and fetches user data from a service (via a
custom UserStorageProvider), and populates a Keycloak user with name,
e-mail, and some corporate attributes like division (setting
singleAttributes from UserModel).

Then in realm B I have an Identity Provider that points to a Broker in
Realm A. In "first login flow" I have a custom Authentication flow, with
two execution steps:
- Create User If Unique
- Automatically Link Brokered Account

This allows me to automatically migrate this user to my realm.

So login from realm B ends in authentication in realm A, which pulls a user
according to our service. Then the process migrates user data to realm B -
but as I inspect this user I see e-mail, name (first & last) but I cannot
see my custom attributes.

Any hints?

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