[keycloak-user] What Specification says my brokered IdP key is invalid?

Ryan Slominski ryans at jlab.org
Wed May 22 15:06:59 EDT 2019

I'm seeing a lot of messages like the following in my log file:

2019-05-22 14:28:56,312 WARN  [org.keycloak.storage.jpa.KeyUtils] (default task-xx) The given key is not a valid key per specification, future migration might fail: f:jlab-ldap:ryans

(1) What specification are we talking about?  OAuth?  What does it say?
(2) I assume the problem is when I created an LDAP user storage provider I created it on the command line with specific ID "jlab-ldap".  Why is this bad?  Must it be a totally random UUID?

The log messages seems to occur whenever a user links an account from a brokered IdP to their account in the Keycloak realm.  (The brokered IdP is also Keycloak)

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