
Michael McGrady mmcgrady at
Mon Jul 6 18:16:41 EDT 2009

I have OmniGraffle Pro 5+ so I can provide SVG and/or Visio's XML  
document format VDX.  So, I will probably provide the graffle file and  
a VDX file and SVG files as requested or as seem to make sense.  Any  
suggestions or requests will be welcome.


On Jul 6, 2009, at 12:18 AM, 이희승 (Trustin Lee) wrote:
>> SECOND to make the artifacts of this process available for use as
>> people see fit; not as a standalone "product".
> Great idea.  Feel free to contribute some SVG or Visio or ODG files  
> you
> produced.  They will be great addition to the current  
> documentation.  I
> prefer vector graphics formats because it is scalable and it contains
> editable texts.  Inkscape is the most popular open source SVG editor.
> You can also use Visio or Draw if you prefer them.  I
> will eventually convert them into ODG or SVG before checking them in.

Mike McGrady
Principal Investigator AF081-028 AFRL SBIR
Senior Engineer
Topia Technology, Inc
mmcgrady at

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