bayeux4netty patch

Bob McWhirter bmcwhirt at
Tue Sep 1 09:52:41 EDT 2009

> Yes, I'd love to receive patches from you and discuss anything about
> it. Do you have the SVN permission? If so, you could commit by
> yourself surely.

Yah, I'm a JBoss employee, so easy enough to get commit permissions.   
I figure it's polite to ask the project lead (you) first, and not just  
assume.  :)

If you're cool, I'll get my SVN permissions enabled.

> BTW, we could discuss Bayeux in Netty's maillist and let community
> know. More peole can get involved in our work.

Will do.  I'll get subscribed today.

fwiw, I'm still just spelunking through the code, trying to understand  
all the moving parts.  I've worked with MINA ages ago, but never  
Netty, and never bayeux.  So it's a learning experience for me.



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