bayeux4netty patch

Dai Jun guiwuu at
Tue Sep 1 10:55:47 EDT 2009


On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 9:52 PM, Bob McWhirter<bmcwhirt at> wrote:
>> Yes, I'd love to receive patches from you and discuss anything about
>> it. Do you have the SVN permission? If so, you could commit by
>> yourself surely.
> Yah, I'm a JBoss employee, so easy enough to get commit permissions.  I
> figure it's polite to ask the project lead (you) first, and not just assume.
>  :)
> If you're cool, I'll get my SVN permissions enabled.

Very cool to me. I'd like to have a co-worker. I am in China and guess
you may live in western hemisphere. Then, we can response to users
more rapidly.:)

>> BTW, we could discuss Bayeux in Netty's maillist and let community
>> know. More peole can get involved in our work.
> Will do.  I'll get subscribed today.
> fwiw, I'm still just spelunking through the code, trying to understand all
> the moving parts.  I've worked with MINA ages ago, but never Netty, and
> never bayeux.  So it's a learning experience for me.

FYI, if you want to see history and plan of this project, please visit
my blog[0]. I've post original proposal and 10 reports there. I hope
that will be helpful. Bayeux codec is still in experimental and lack
documentation. If you have any suggestion or find bugs, feel free to
discuss with me.

> Thanks,
>        -Bob

Best regards,

Dai Jun or Danny Dai(in English) -
GTalk: guiwuu at | QQ: 93409048 | MSN: guiwuu at |
Twitter: @guiwuu

Ogden Nash  - "The trouble with a kitten is that when it grows up,
it's always a cat." -

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