Ensuring all pending writes complete before close

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 22:20:11 EDT 2009

Hi Iain,

On 08/06/2009 11:47 PM, Iain McGinniss wrote:
> I have a scenario where two peers are communicating, and once this  
> communication comes to the close, the following should happen:
> 1. Peer A sends a "quit" message to Peer B.
> 2. Peer A then begins the shutdown sequence (closing open channels,  
> releasing thread pools and bootstrap instances, etc).
> 3. Peer A's process exits.
> 4. Peer B, upon receiving the quit message, begins the shutdown  
> sequence.
> 5. Peer B's process exits.
> The problem I have is that there appears to be a race condition  
> between the quit message actually getting across to Peer B and the  
> channel being closed - sometimes peer B never receives the quit  
> message, and waits endlessly for the quit message. This can be cured  
> at a higher level, but I'm trying to see what I can do within the  
> channel pipeline to ensure this does not happen.
> The strategy I'm about to attempt is to store a set of ChannelFutures  
> for all writes requested in my SimpleChannelHandler, in the  
> writeRequested() method, and register a listener on these writes. As  
> the writes complete, they will be removed from the set of pending  
> writes. When a close is requested via the closeRequested() method, I  
> do not immediately forward on the close request. Instead, I will set  
> an atomic boolean "closing" to true. This will ignore all subsequent  
> requests to write to the channel (check inside writeRequested()). Once  
> I detect via the listener callback that the pending writes set is  
> empty and closing is true, I will send the close request downstream.
> I'm hoping the above will have the effect of:
> 1. Allowing all pending writes to be completed before I close the  
> channel.

You can achieve this pretty simply:


> 2. Preventing new writes from being requested during shutdown.

This is more tricky.  You could maintain a boolean flag as you mentioned
above.  An alternative is to write a handler that discards or rejects
any write requests and insert the handler into the pipeline right after
you write an EMPTY_BUFFER.

> 3. Allow for the entity that requested the close to wait for the  
> channel to close using the standard mechanism.

I don't follow this.  Could you elaborate?

> One issue here could be if the writes never complete, so I suppose I  
> will probably need a timeout handler after which I will forward on the  
> close request anyway. Does the above sound reasonable, or is there a  
> much better way of doing this in Netty?

Yes.  Sounds fine to me.


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