Ensuring all pending writes complete before close
Iain McGinniss
iainmcgin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 04:52:46 EDT 2009
On 12 Aug 2009, at 03:20, 이희승 (Trustin Lee) wrote:
> Hi Iain,
> On 08/06/2009 11:47 PM, Iain McGinniss wrote:
>> 1. Allowing all pending writes to be completed before I close the
>> channel.
> You can achieve this pretty simply:
> channel.write(ChannelBuffers.EMPTY_BUFFER)
> .addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE);
Netty is hidden beneath several layers of abstraction, so it is
difficult for me to expose this kind of write-then-close semantics
where it is needed. The code right now is more akin to
Where pipe.close() should not return until all pending writes are
completed and the channel is closed, or some error condition occurs
and the pipe is closed.
>> 2. Preventing new writes from being requested during shutdown.
> This is more tricky. You could maintain a boolean flag as you
> mentioned
> above. An alternative is to write a handler that discards or rejects
> any write requests and insert the handler into the pipeline right
> after
> you write an EMPTY_BUFFER.
>> 3. Allow for the entity that requested the close to wait for the
>> channel to close using the standard mechanism.
> I don't follow this. Could you elaborate?
All I meant here was that I could call
channel.close().awaitUninterruptibly(), and that this wouldn't be
affected by whatever mechanism I had chosen to ensure all writes would
be performed before the close would occur.
The technique I went for in the end involved handling closeRequested()
in my handler, and flipping a boolean to indicate we were closing the
channel. For every write handled via writeRequested(), I stored the
ChannelFuture for that write and added a listener to it, placing the
ChannelFuture into a set. Once the closing flag is set, all future
write requests are simply ignored (with a WARNING log). For each call
to operationComplete on my ChannelFutureListener, I remove that future
from the pending set. Once the pending set is empty, I send the close
request downstream. In the simple case, with a quiet channel,
closeRequested can directly see that the pending set is empty and so
can immediately send the close request downstream.
This appears to work, I'm using a ReentrantLock for concurrency
control but I think there is a way to do it using less explicit
locking (using an AtomicInteger count of pending writes, for instance).
There are a lot of interesting problems like this in network
programming, that Netty could really benefit from having good examples
of in the documentation. I believe this would help illuminate the
problems that people will face with a fully asynchronous, concurrent
networking stack.
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