Netty Handler for Strings and Things

Mike McGrady mmcgrady at
Fri Aug 21 01:25:47 EDT 2009

That isn't right, Trustin.  Presently, I use only the KarmaEncode and  
KarmaDecoder with SslHandler.  Did you notice my use of composition in  
response to Iain's suggeation?

I can only way "WOW" on all the changes you brought to 3.1..1 GA.  Nice!


On Aug 20, 2009, at 12:47 AM, 이희승 (Trustin Lee) wrote:

> Thanks Mike for sharing your code and thanks Iain for simplifying  
> Mike's
> code.
> I was wondering how Mike detected a string from the received
> ChannelBuffers, but the KarmaDecoder seems to deal with already  
> decoded
> object.  Perhaps you have another pre-pass decoder in front of
> KarmaDecoder, right?
> Trustin
> On 08/18/2009 06:22 PM, Iain McGinniss wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> No doubt you've stripped a lot of code out of what was attached  
>> below to
>> make it easier to see what was going on, but just in case you hadn't:
>> your code can be much more concisely expressed by extending
>> SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler, as you weren't manipulating any of the
>> downstream events and you only handle connected, disconnected and
>> message reception on upstream.
>> I've stripped it down to what I see as the minimum without changing  
>> any
>> of the real code. Apologies if this was obvious to you and you were
>> splitting out all of the events manually for reasons that were  
>> stripped
>> out of your original code.
>> Iain
>> On 17 Aug 2009, at 23:48, Michael McGrady wrote:
>>> Trustin,
>>> Here is the central class to the functionality mentioned earlier.
>>> Mike
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Mike McGrady
Principal Investigator AF081-028 AFRL SBIR
Senior Engineer
Topia Technology, Inc.
mmcgrady at

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