Netty and HTTP asynchronous responses...

Jay McGaffigan hooligan495 at
Tue Dec 8 11:34:32 EST 2009


Forgive me if this question is somewhat naive.  I'm working on an HTTP
server and I'd like to support the concept of asynchronous or deferred
HTTP responses.
When a request comes in I'd like to be able to defer the response so
that I'm not consuming a thread per request.   So I've read some about
netty, some stuff about Comet, and some stuff about the Servlet 3.0
spec.  And I'm feeling like I am just not looking in the right places.

I guess my question is this... Does Netty have facilities in place
already that facilitate the deferred response concept or should I
expect that I will have to find a library elsewhere (or roll my own)
to achieve this functionality on top of Netty?

Servlet 3.0 seems just one step higher in the stack from where I am
"playing"... Netty seems to have most of what I need...

Any help/guidance/comments would be super helpful.


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