Great Job

Trustin Lee tlee at
Thu Feb 19 10:03:38 EST 2009

Hi Jaime,

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:54 AM, jaimemm <jaimemm at> wrote:
> After fixing a couple of things in the Alpha version, Netty it's perfectly
> working for our requirements.

Is it a local fix in your working copy, or the changes I've made in
the trunk?  If it's a local fix in your working copy, I'd love to
apply your fix to the trunk so that you don't need to apply your patch
over and over.

> Last week I carried a performance test/presentation and the team was
> astonished about the performance. So I'm pretty sure somehow, in the close
> or near future Netty will be in our production environments (and I've to
> tell that the company is a big big big one).

That is a great news!  I'd love to know the name of the company
privately if you don't mind and there's no NDA, but it's up to you.

We currently don't have any performance test reports published by 3rd
parties, so I always have been thinking that it would be nice if
someone could run some perf tests and publish it for the community.
Also, if you don't mind and have lots of free time. :)

> With this email, I've just wanted to say that you did a great job,

Would you mind if you write some cool testimonial for us so that we
can put it on our web site? - of course if you think Netty deserves a
cool testimonial.  Here's a good example. ;)


> and we are waiting agerly for the stable release.

I expect the GA release of Netty 3.1 will be available in about two to
three weeks.

> Hope Netty gets the importance it deserves within RedHat and keep growing.

I believe positive feed backs like yours make it happen.  Thanks!


— Trustin Lee,

PS: I hope I didn't ask too many favors BTW.  It's all optional indeed.  :)

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