Reconnecting a client automatically *without losing state*

tsuna tsunanet at
Tue Aug 3 01:16:03 EDT 2010

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Bruno de Carvalho <kindernade at> wrote:

Yeah I read that almost right after you wrote it.  It quickly came up
high on many Google search results for queries starting with `+Netty'

> Also, I'm about to release a high performance http client based on Netty
> (I'm hoping this week, just have to finish up the user guide and the
> stylesheets for docbook and javadoc :/ ). In this client I make
> extensive usage of this keep-the-important-logic-outside-of-the-handler
> philosophy:

I'm looking forward to reading your code!  :)

> Hope this sheds some light on the subject.

Yes, thank you for taking the time to read my longish emails, I appreciate it.

Benoit "tsuna" Sigoure
Software Engineer @

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