Fwd: Patch update: netty-242

rzo rzo at gmx.de
Thu Jan 14 02:08:14 EST 2010


just an idea, for those behind a firewall:

you may write a reverse proxy which will receive http and convert it to 
asynch remote rpc and forward it
to the rpc server.
generally if going through the internet it is good to have some proxy 
inbetween the client and the server.
the netty http proxy could be used as as starting point for this.
this is the reason behind the WAF i mentioned in a previous post on this 

advantage of this would be:
high performance for clients which connect per tcp
a buffer between server and client so slow clients do not slow down the 
rpc server
higher security, proxy will allow only http hessian rpc requests.
reduce the number of concurrent open connections on the rpc server.
use https over the internet, but not internally

BTW: tomcat supports cometd

-- ron

On 13.01.2010 22:21, fatbatman wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> We need an Http mechanism just because there a few users behind firewalls
> that don't allow outgoing raw TCP connections, but admittedly they're not
> many.
> Async RPC can be done over Http by pulling messages from the server using
> http 1.1 keep alive long polling, JBoss remoting 2.x does this but because
> it's not nio it requires 1 thread per server ->  client callback connection.
> I believe JBoss remoting 3 will be nio but I'm not sure when this is
> expected to be available.
> You're probably right though, the Hessian servlet on JBossWeb or Tomcat may
> be better for what we need.  They have the
> com.caucho.servlet.comet.GenericCometServlet which I believe provides the
> http callback stuff on nio and BAM API.
> I'm going to play around some more, thanks for your thoughts
> best wishes
> James

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