ExternalResourceReleasable vs. JBoss Hot Undeploy

"Trustin Lee (이희승)" trustin at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 01:42:41 EDT 2010

As a workaround, you could remove the jboss-beans.xml in the META-INF
directory of the Netty JAR file.  We are discussing on dropping it in
the next release, so please stay tuned.

Michael LaBrot wrote:
> The ServerBootstrap (which I am using) implements
> ExternalResourceReleasable, but nothing in the ServerBootstrap
> implementation causes the issue. It's just the implementation of
> ExternalResourceReleasable that is enough, as my test shows. It seems to me
> that JBoss is undeploying the EAR before whatever is trying to release the
> ExternalResourceReleasable runs (or completes), but the Netty JAR (which was
> in the EAR) is no longer in the classpath.
> Using eclipse, create a J2C project, add the code below and specify the
> MyResourceAdapter class in the ra.xml under
> /connector/resourceadapter/resourceadapter-class/. Add the RAR (from the J2C
> project) and the Netty JAR to an EAR. Deploy, then un-deploy while JBoss is
> still running.
> Michael LaBrot
>   _____  
> From: Trustin Lee [via Netty Forums and Mailing Lists]
> [mailto:ml-node+4694410-79849016-461186 at n2.nabble.com] 
> Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 4:32 AM
> To: Michael LaBrot
> Subject: Re: ExternalResourceReleasable vs. JBoss Hot Undeploy
> Hi Michael, 
> This is weird.  It seems like there's some problem with JBoss 
> microcontainer integration that Netty provides.  Could you elaborate 
> with me so that I can reproduce the problem?  I have not written a JCA 
> connector yet. 
> Trustin 
> Michael LaBrot wrote: 
>> I have boiled my issue down to a simple JCA RAR project in an EAR. The
> only 
>> code is the creation of an object that implements 
>> ExternalResourceReleasable. The EAR contains the RAR and
> netty-3.1.5.GA.jar. 
>> When the EAR is removed from the JBoss 5.1 Server, I receive many stack 
>> traces and it all begins with WARN  [StartStopLifecycleAction] Error
> during 
>> stop for org.jboss.netty.internal.ResourceFactory 
>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/netty/util/internal/ExecutorUtil
>> at 
> org.jboss.netty.container.microcontainer.NettyResourceFactory.stop(NettyReso
> urceFactory.java:54) 
>> The code: 
>> public class Foo implements 
>>         org.jboss.netty.util.ExternalResourceReleasable 
>> { 
>>     @Override 
>>     public void releaseExternalResources() 
>>     { 
>>     } 
>> } 
>> public class MyResourceAdapter implements 
>>         javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter.ResourceAdapter 
>> { 
>>     // All other overrides are empty and ommitted from this listing for 
>> clarity. 
>>     @Override 
>>     public void start(javax.resource.spi.BootstrapContext serverCtx) 
>>             throws javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException 
>>     { 
>>         Foo foo = new Foo(); 
>>     } 
>> } 
>> Help? 

what we call human nature in actuality is human habit

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