Does netty support multiple cookies?

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Tue Nov 30 04:46:04 EST 2010


Netty should not replace an existing header when addHeader() is called. 
An existing header is replaced only when setHeader() is called.  Please
let me know if you observe the unexpected behavior and post the code
snippet that shows the problem.


On 11/30/2010 04:54 PM, chillwarmoon wrote:
> when you visit the,you will find there are multiple cookies in
> the http response. I use wireshark to analysis this response package and
> find that there are more than one Set-Cookie header in response.
> Even though it doesn't follow the cookie RFC,but it could be parsed by the
> browser and the following requests sent by the browser will have Cookie
> Header.
> When I use the netty addHeader function,when write the response back to the
> visitor,the netty will delete the previous duplicate headers.
> How should I add multiple header values for the same header name in netty?
> If netty doesn't support it, how should I implement multiple cookies in
> response?

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