[resteasy-dev] The excluded examples

Jim Ma ema at redhat.com
Tue Jul 12 02:57:10 EDT 2016

Yes. Alessio, This example requires manually start jboss 7.1.1.Final and 
the code are all same as the workbook examples in resteasy repo now.

I went through all these examples this morning, and here is the status 
for these excluded examples:

* api-clients : This needs twitter's oauth token, flicker's picture 
search service,  manually configure thing. All these things are quite 
old and one of dependency can't be downloaded to build thid this demo. 
Moreover , this demo mainly demonstrates the resteasy client side api , 
but these apis are all deprecated now. So I think we can deprecate this 
demo too.

* ejb-integration:  This requires manually start jboss 4.2.x. We can 
deprecate this too given we have arquillain CDI and EJB tests 
demonstrate this well.

* oreilly-workbook-as7: This requires manually start jboss 7.1 and 
latest wildfly doesn't work.

* resteasy-springMVC :  This works and we can include it.

* spring-hibernate-contacts: This works and can be included.

I think we can deprecate and archive api-clients, ejb-integraiton 
examples , and move oreilly-workbook-as7 to another repo for Bill's book 
reader to download.  WDYT?

On 07/11/2016 10:03 PM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
> Il 11/07/2016 15:45, Jim Ma ha scritto:
>> oreilly-workbook-as7
> These are likely duplicated to the (working) examples in the Resteasy 
> repo?
> Alessio
> -- 
> Alessio Soldano
> Web Service Lead, JBoss
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